In My thesis in 1 min, we invite people to talk about their thesis or PHD subject in a fun, accessible and informal way. As if we were having a friendly discussion over a cup of tea!
For our first episode we hosted Violette, who talked about the consequences of the 2021 PMA law (regarding Assisted Reproductive Technology) in French hospitals. At the end of the show, Violette was pointing out the gap between offer and demand in terms on sperm donation: since the law has passed, a lot of new people are willing to get an ART, while the amount of sperm donators stayed pretty much the same as before…
Regarding this matter, we thought it would be nice to invite someone to talk about their sperm donation experience with no taboo! With the hope that it will encourage others to do the same… 🙂 For this 1# Bonus episode, we had the chance to have a lovely chat with Basile.
Sendedatum: 18/02/2023 12:00 - 18/02/2023 13:00
Sprache: French
Sendung: My thesis in 1 min