Oto #1: Welcome

A warm welcome to all of you. Please feel the very most caressed by this one hour mixtape of music.

Once inside of it you may never want to leave. And why should you?

For the first episode im tackling two personal favourites of mine. Tibor Szemzos Tractatus as well as a Sascha Funke Remix of These Days. Many other recently found pieces of music await you. It may get pretty esoteric at times. That is the vibe which I feel most comfortable in. Esotericism as a way out of an all to shallow and frankly boring world view.

Have fun.


Sendedatum: 16/10/2024 17:00 - 16/10/2024 18:00

Sprache: German

Sendung: Oto

Tags: Music Talk Sound Art New Age Ambient experimental music rainy attentive green crawling creeping diving have a shower sitting

Tibor Szemzo - Tractatus
Tomo Akikawabaya - Untitled (The Castle II)
Couronne de Merde - I Would Like To Buy A Bird
TKB - DN82
she spreads sorrow - queen of guilt
Martin Rev - See Me Ridin'
Ariel Kalma - Fast Road To Nowhere
Yello - Homer Hossa
Carmen Villain - Subtle Bodies
Tibor Szemzo - Tractatus
2muchachos - Lost In The Mist
Phantom/Ghost - These Days (Klaus Schulz Remix)

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