Vomens Bar digitale: Queeres Begehren und die Politisierung der Lüste – Ein Besuch im Juicy Sexshop

Our guests this month will be Julez and Linda, who are both working at Juicy in connewitz. Juicy – that’s a queer feminist sexshop.

This episode is all about queer sexuality, pleasure and desire.We want to talk about sexual practices, sex toys and erotic fantasies, but als ask ourself: Does erotic always have something to do with desire? What does sex positivity mean? What is it all about with consent and responsibility in sexuality?

Sendedatum: 01/04/2022 20:00 - 01/04/2022 21:00

Sprache: German

Sendung: Vomens Bar digitale

Tags: Talk Podcast Report in the evening satisfied Energetic violet laying