31 MEANWHILE – 2004

Fresh monothematic mixes presenting one musical key flavor in each show.

For this month episode, Leipzig based Meanwhile only collected tracks released in 2004 – the year, in wich Flight 15P of SpaceShipOne took off.It was the first privately funded human spaceflight and took place on June 21, 2004. It solely carried its pilot, Mike Melvill, who did the 24 minutes mission all by himself.

Gentle tunes for encapsulated moments, vibrant twists and thrilling strokes in a short trip, twenty years back in time.

Sendedatum: 04/07/2024 18:00 - 04/07/2024 19:00

Sprache: Englisch


Tags: DJ-Set Ambient sonne neugierig Orange fliegend

Klimek - Let the snakes crinkle their heads to death
Ekkehard Ehlers; Joseph Suchy - Soundchambers 5
Fennesz - Rivers of Sand
Dictaphone - Nacht
Mira Calix - Le Jardin De Barbican
Pan American - Skylight
Donato Wharton - Built to fail
Donato Wharton - Collision Stills
Home Video - Blimp Mason
Triole - Leichtturm
Gravenhurst - Fog Round The Figurehead
Triole - Der endlos blaue Himmel
Donato Wharton - My orange life Jacket
Gravenhurst - Tunnels
Tarentel - Get Away From Me You Clouds Of Doom
Pan American - Lights on Water
Fennesz - Laguna