Kupalua live at Teatro dos Arcos, Sao Paulo Brazil

01:30 – 02:00

Kupalua is always in transit. There’s no trace of morals or frontier. It’s simultaneously extra-terrestrial and earthly-physical-corporeal. Travels from the interior of the pussy to outer space in the speed of light.

There’s no separation between nature-culture or body-cosmos. What is root and what is synthetic. Rooster, frog, rain, melodic voice, synthesizers, microphones and processors. The body’s construction as prosthetics and light depict the sonorous landscape. Laser prothesis are making contact with us and with outer-space while every matter flows through timbers that leaves us given over to estrangement.

I don’t know where I am when I listen/see Kupalua, if I’m underwater or if I’m suspended, weightless, timeless, without story, without clothes. It’s a journey completely inside of sound waves


Sendedatum: 01/05/2020 01:30 - 01/05/2020 02:00

Tags: Konzert