Poetic Capsule 5 “Rivers”

5th Capsule, “Rivers”, is a small homage to travelling rivers on our planet. Let the water calm the fires and like Bruce said…be water my friend,

Sendedatum: 11/09/2020 10:15 - 11/09/2020 10:45

Sprache: English

Sendung: Poetic Capsules

Tags: Sound Collage in the morning amused pleased blue going constantly

* Fragments of Documentary “Eyewitness, Pond & River” (rivers, lakes and ponds), S2E6, BBC Series, released 7th October, 1996.
* Rivers, Small river 1 Slow-Close, User Pfannkuchn, Freesound.org, February 11th, 2019.
* Azul, Mark Lockett, Album The Loop Reorchestrated, 2004.
* Rivieren Cycles, Arie Malando, 1971 Netherlands; performed by Banda Municipal de Música A Coruña, director Andrés Valero-Castells, Palacio de la Ópera de A Coruña, 14 febrero 2016.
* A River song, performed by Latha Anantha and Zabna A.B from the River Research Centre. The song highlights the Narmada river, the Nila river in Kerala and Chilka India, March 4th 2016.
* Deep River Blues, Doc Watson, Album Doc Watson, Label Vanguard Records 1964.
* Xingu River, Philip Glass , Album Aguas da Amazonia, 1999.
* The River, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, Album Quarters!, released May 12th 2015.
* Like A River , My Morning Jacket, Album "The Waterfall" 2015.
* Sauti ya maji, DJ NORIZM, Interspecies Compilation Vol. 2 bei Juno Records, 2019.