The only important star in our lives… let’s listen to The Sun!
Brilliant constant update shining on us,
Sendedatum: 06/11/2020 10:15 - 06/11/2020 10:45
Sprache: Englisch
Sendung: Poetic Capsules
Tracklist:* Excerpts from “Secrets of The Sun”, Space Documentary Nova TV Series, 2012.
* Fast, anemos gitarrenquartett, Album “Electric Counterpoin”t Steve Reich, 2009
* Like a Flame: No. 22, End of the Circle, (Extraterrestrial Pipe Organ), Frederik Magle, Album “Like a Flame”, 2009.
* AMORE AMARO, Alessandro Cortini, Album VOLUME MASSIMO, 2019
* Fractal Music #8, Max Ridgway, 2001.
* Super fx, Eprom, Album Halflife, 2013.
* Jewel Tea, µ-Ziq (Mike Paradinas), Album Somerset Avenue Tracks (1992-1995), 2013.
* Morning Sun, Al Barry & The Cimarons, Single 1970.