‚Making it‘ in Western Europe: Experiences of Young Eastern-European Women

The ‚Making it‘ in Western Europe: Experiences of Young Eastern-European Women“ podcast series is the latest audio instalment from Lazy Women, exploring the lives of young Eastern-European Women who have emigrated to Western Europe in search of new opportunities, or fleeing their home countries for other socio-political reasons. Each episode serves as a small case study or a microcosm of the wider political context of our interviewee’s points of departure and arrival, and what this says of the European project at large. The series reflects the core values of Lazy Women, such as that the personal is political, and looks to amplify women’s voices in a new way.

To learn more about Lazy Women, read articles and discover how you can get involved with the collective, check out the website here: https://lazywomen.com/about-us/.



Sprache: Englisch

Tags: Interview Podcast
