autos #26

In complete contrast to the cover photo of the episode (it’s not about bicycles or trains): It’s about cars! Rosa has recently become very involved with this mode of transportation and has developed quite a fascination for it. Bella doesn’t really care about cars. But we can both get a lot out of the songs that are played in the 26th episode. We play songs by Klitclique, Nina Chuba, Verifiziert and Rua.

Sendedatum: 28/05/2024 18:15 - 28/05/2024 19:00

Sprache: German

Sendung: adlibs

Tags: Podcast Podcast sun Interested Dancing Energetic blue cleaning

Klitclique - Auto
Rua - Gasolina
Verifiziert - Suzuki Swift
Nina Chuba - Glatteis