Here’s a mix I’ve been sitting on for a second, waiting for the right time to share. Well, Spring is starting to peak out over the last few days here in Philadelphia, and this seems like the perfect day to bring this one out.
An hour of all UK Lovers Rock selections from the late 70s into the early 90s. What is it about Lovers Rock? It’s the type of music I find myself always coming back to, always somehow setting the right mood – slowed, straight-forward and sweet. Songs almost always about love and heartbreak. Never too complicated, spaced and sparse. So good for dancing, and also for laying down, and works so well with the feeling of the sun on your skin. I think it’s best just to listen. Tracklist coming soon. Enjoy and happy Spring
Sendedatum: 11/03/2021 11:30 - 11/03/2021 12:30
Sprache: Englisch
Sendung: Island Time Radio
Tracklist:tracklist coming soon