State, Structure & Future of Streaming #2 – Political Dimension

Day 2 – Political Dimension

We want to substantiate how digital cultural exchange can contribute to the emergence of a diverse and inclusive cultural landscape.

You can actively take part in the conference through our chat.

Working questions:

  • How can we prevent existing structural disadvantages from being reproduced on a digital level? How do we counteract the emergence of new structural disadvantages?
  • What barriers exist in accessing culture? What opportunities does the digital space offer to bridge these?
  • Which existing accesses to culture can be digitized?
  • How can we communication cultural contents with and within rural areas?
  • How can we reach interested parties outside our own bubble?
  • How can digital technologies help to build intercultural and international linkages?


Initiative Postmigrantisches Radio – Postmigrantische Perspektiven

Xenia Niki Matita: Universelles Design – wie kreieren wir eine Welt ohne Hürden?