Episode three!! : ) Ganders and frolics in some psych-strummed folk/freak/frenzy flick guitar jams. All with the strings, baby. Embed yourself within a cushion and eat some dry crackers whilst drunk in the September sun my babies. Best wishes.
Sendedatum: 19/07/2020 20:00 - 19/07/2020 21:00
Sprache: English
Sendung: Frothed Nucleon’s Squiggly Tunes
Tracklist:Nick Drake - Sketch 1
Valerio Tricoli - In The Eye Of The Cyclone
Dean Blunt - PETTY WAP
Yves Tumor - Perdition
Tom Fazzini - The Guest Room
Daisuke Tobari - [02.03]
Francesco Cavaliere - scavi e ritrovamenti di civiltà mai nominate
Elysia Crampton - Moth
Pekka Streng - Itsemurhatalon Luona
Reptilian Expo - flutii
Actress - Jardin
Shelter - dans la jungle de varech
E+E - The Wish (feat. Angelica)
Rik Rue - Visions Of Future Past
Fist Of Fury - The Exorcist Part I
Psykovsky - Unknown (Live Excerpt)
Gong - Wet Cheese Delirum
Diego Navarro - Breaking the Surface
Élg - Hourra
Hiele - Airport
Metgumbnerbone - Untitled
O A K M I L K - inkjet cheeto deluxe 2.20
J. S. Bach - Partita No.2 in D Minor: Ciaccona