In episode 9, the third and last episode on the relationship between masculinity* and sexuality, we first talk about boundaries and boundary violations, addressing, among other things, experiences with sexualised assaults and sexualised violence. We also look at the need to talk openly and directly about needs, fears and concerns. Does it really take the drive out of flirting or sex when we tell each other what we want or does it only correspond to our kitschy idea of a charged tearjerker? And why should it be stupid, embarrassing or weak to talk about what worries us, scares us or pressures us?
Want tips, tricks and suggestions? Go for it!
Tipps, Tricks und Anregungen gefällig? Geht los!
Sendedatum: 31/03/2021 18:00 - 31/03/2021 18:40
Sprache: German
Sendung: Die Revolte beginnt auf Gut Holmecke