DISTANT SKY is a collaborative radio composition and musical intervention by Leipzig based band leader, composer and improviser Malo Moray and Bristol based label founder, musician, songwriter and educator Bethany M. Roberts. Reacting to the separation of Europe through right wing conservatives, this compostion builds a bridge between Leipzig and Bristol.
DISTANT SKY is a dense dark ambient composition lead by Malo Moray’s sophisticated upright bass playing through electronics and Bethany M. Roberts virtuos violin playing uniting her folk and avantgarde influences.
Supported by Kulturamt der Stadt Leipzig, a limited edition of 250 tapes will be available in public spaces in Leipzig and Bristol on July 6th. Visit @malomoray and @bethanymrobertsmusic on Instagram this Thursday to find your copy in Bristol or Leipzig.
Malo Moray – Upright Bass, Voice, Materials, Tapes, Electronics,
prepared Guitar
Bethany M. Roberts – Voice, Violin, Electronics
Composed by Malo Moray & Bethany M. Roberts with poems from Coleridge & Housman
The broadcast includes a Nick Cave Cover
(2023) Malo Moray
Sendedatum: 04/07/2023 19:00 - 04/07/2023 19:50
Sendung: Specials