This show will focus on radio practitioners Claire Jeanne and Alejandro
Van Zandt-Escobar based in Paris, France, who conduct participatory
radio and sound workshops in various contexts. We’ll discuss how radio
can be a place for new forms of speech that can invite us to discover new
ways of hearing.
During the broadcast, we will listen to sound pieces created by participants in workshops conducted by Claire and Alejandro, as well as the show producers Marie Descure and Fanny Testas.
Claire Jeanne
Alejandro Van Zandt-Escobar
Marie Descure
Fanny Testas
Sendedatum: 09/06/2023 10:30 - 09/06/2023 11:15
Sprache: English
Sendung: Trans Europe Halles #95 Live ON AIR: Building bridges through transnational dreams