TEH #95 LIVE ON AIR #8 – Circular economy within the cultural sector, utopia or reality?

This discussion will focus on the concept of ‘circular economies’ within the cultural sector, and whether this vision is a utopian ideal or a realistic approach to achieving a self-sustainable framework for our initiatives and the wider field. Participants will offer examples of circular systems from their practices in relation to the role of networks for supporting grassroots initiatives, possible frameworks for money balancing systems, and how to finance networks and their members. This brief discussion aims to provide an insightful perspective on the topic and how we can apply these ideas towards our futures as small-scale actors.

How can we finance a network and how can networks financially support its members? Possible frameworks on money balancing systems? What is the role of networks for the sustainable growth of grass-roots initiatives?

Simon Clement
Sphere Radio
Linas Čekanavičius
Palanga Street Radio
Fridolin Hinde
UFA Fabrik

Samantha Lippett

Sendedatum: 09/06/2023 16:45 - 09/06/2023 18:00

Sendung: Trans Europe Halles #95 Live ON AIR: Building bridges through transnational dreams

Tags: Talk Panel Education Radioshow bright in the afternoon Interested violet working