TEH #95 LIVE ON AIR #7 – Politics make the world go around

How political trends influence independent initiatives. Discussions,
solutions, dreams and future perspectives through the eyes of TEH
In a short but rich 75 minutes we are sharing time and knowledge to
find the answers with our guest speakers with the hope of effective
cooperation, yet independent prosperity.

Mykhailo Glubokyi
Sigrid Niemer
Ludmila Vacková
Studio ALTA
Zsolt Varga
Bakelit MAC

Baiba Dekena


Sendedatum: 09/06/2023 15:25 - 09/06/2023 16:40

Sendung: Trans Europe Halles #95 Live ON AIR: Building bridges through transnational dreams

Tags: Panel Talk Education Radioshow in the afternoon Interested no colour working