"Wo Lärm und Schönheit sich umarmen". Legacy Magazine
Malo Moray sendet ausgewählte Stücke seines am 19.09.2023 erscheinenen neuen Ambient-Kraut-Jazz-Albums ATOLLS.
Mit ihrem neuen Album ATOLLS veröffentlichen Malo Moray & His Inflatable Knee ein Album für Fans von Brian Eno, Sunn O))), Swans, Soundwalk Collective und aller abenteuerlichen Musik, die in keine Schublade passt.
bass focus is a leipzig based crew with feminist basic understanding. besides bass, our focus is to create room where ppl can gather experience in djing and it's particulary important to us, that there is a minimum of 50% flinta* proportion not just among our crew, but also among the acts we have as guests in our monthly radio show on sphere-radio.net
moreover we dont want lyrics with discriminatory content to be played and we urge our guests to pay attention, too. politics shouldnt stop where the bass drops.